A Liquor Of Daisies

‘A Liquor Of Daisies’
released June 5, 2020 on Bandcamp and Boomkat.com with a limited reissue on December 5, 2021 by Shelter Press. Endless piano and tape loop variations. A music for three pianos in the advent of isolation. A poem to Xerochrysum Viscosum, an everlasting daisy native to Naarm. An unfolding fantasy through the field of time. In collaboration with AR designer Stephanie Overs, the artist developed ‘A Liquor Of Daisies’ augmented reality filter to place a daisy in your hair or the atmosphere. Try it here.

Lisa Lerkenfeldt and Stephanie Overs present a trance-like audio visual work, A Liquor Of Daisies at Melbourne Music Week 2021.